About Me. If you've come by my website by chance, by mailing or I paid you a phone call - then you're probably prudent in asking my experience before thinking to take my advice.
I’ve worked 17 years under four different bank operation centers; mostly in the areas of Credit Analysis and Bank Fraud Detection. In the mid 1980’s - the State of Delaware was a plethora of Bank employers due to its Corporate friendly laws. Since then, other States caught on and relocated or merged or were shut down in some cases. Computers and scoring systems have come along way - bringing consistency a much more level playing field. Quite a lot of the former criterion became non-issues as retail banking became more competitive and banks became more comfortable that their customer base enjoyed making use out of their unsecured credit. Starting out, we hand calculated all income to debt ratios and ran our own background checks. When technology became available, it became clear that replacing man with machine results in a much better bottom line. Did the Operating System make expensive mistakes? Yes,,,, yes they did - but it still made up by going with upgraded technology. The more things change, the more some things stay the same -
As technology became more accepted, so did bank theft. Out of my 17 years, this was clearly the most interesting and often the most puzzling. At this time, technology is what created my work load. And you can be sure we fumbled our way at first. How does a computer program know if your credit card is stolen or not? Is everybody’s spending habit’s the same? Of course not. Were some major US cities targeted over other locations? Of course they were. Was Fraud Detection in conflict with its Customer Service counter part? Of course it was. Can you imagine the arguments between the VP’s behind closed doors? Of course you can. It provided a huge incentive to never reach the Management Positions, if you were interested in job security.
Over the years, it was a pleasure and a challenge working for my employers. And I come away with several strict non-negotiable ethics;
When the opportunity in Factoring - Cash-Flow - became available, I knew I found a position that I could enjoy well into my retirement years. I'm very glad to have accepted a profession which allows me to serve my Client base on this professional & personal level, with the same level of care & professionalism applied to my 17 years of retail banking. Looking forward to solidifying your business and growing your business with you.
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